Detailed Overview

Designed for User Confidence
Connected and Ready
With the LIFEPAK CR2 Defibrillator, a Wi-Fi® or cellular network–connected AED, LIFELINKcentralTM Program Manager facilitates self-management. Location, battery status and other readiness information are automatically collected by the software for easy management via the online dashboard*. Battery about to expire? Electrodes need to be replaced? First-aider’s CPR/AED certification yet to be renewed? You’ll receive an alert through the LIFELINKcentralTM system, helping to greatly reduce the effort and expense of managing your AED program, while increasing your program’s readiness and effectiveness. LIFELINKcentralTM AED Program Manager even sends you alerts of any condition affecting AED readiness. For each connected LIFEPAK CR2 device, you can:
  • Remotely monitor readiness information
  • Locate on a map and detect location changes
  • Receive alerts of any situation affecting readiness such as battery status
  • View a dashboard with the status of all connected AEDs*
  • Be alerted when an AED has been used
  • Send SCA event data via Wi-Fi to emergency responders en route
  • Automatically send event data and reports to hospital and medical caregivers
  • Get notifications if batteries or electrodes are expiring or have expired
  • All without manual inspection
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Complete management system

You can manage all your AEDs with LIFELINKcentralTM AED Program Manager, even those that aren’t connected. Just enter device information manually, then update inspection data on a regular schedule. You’ll have complete documentation of your readiness. You can even pinpoint them on a map and create alerts for scheduled battery or electrode replacement


Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) happens when the heart stops beating suddenly. Blood would stop flowing to the brain and other vital organs, and would be deathly if not treated within minutes.

Normal Heart Activity:
Note the regular pattern with each beat of the heart

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Normal Heart Rhythm

Sudden Cardiac Arrest:
The heart enters a chaotic, typically ventricular fibrillation (VF) rhythm, as shown below.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest VF Heart Rhythm

The heart cannot pump blood effectively and the victim will collapse.

1. Victim is unconscious
2. Not breathing spontaneously
3. No pulse

The first symptom of SCA is usually the loss of consciousness (fainting). No heartbeat or pulse can be felt. Some people may have a racing heartbeat or feel dizzy or light-headed before they lose consciousness. Within an hour before SCA, some people have shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea or vomit.
Every minute that passes without defibrillation reduces survival rate by 7-10%.

  • Early recognition and activation of the emergency response system
  • Early and effective CPR with a focus on chest compressions
  • Early and rapid defibrillation
  • Effective advanced post-cardiac arrest care

80% of SCA happen outside the medical environment – In homes, in schools, on the sports ground, at the gym, in restaurants, on planes, trains and buses…

5% of SCA victims will survive with effective CPR.  This increases to 50%+ when CPR is combined with the use of an AED.

Source: American Heart Association 10.1161/CirculationHA.107.188486

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable device that reviews the heart rhythm and can send an electric shock to the heart to try to restore a normal rhythm. AEDs are used to treat Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).
1. AED is now the standard equipment stipulated by the National CERT Standard! With amendment to the Fire Safety Act on 1 Sept 2013, all premises with Fire Safety Managers are required to set up a Company Emergency Response Team (CERT). Public and Industrial Premises that meet any of the following criteria are required to have a Fire Safety Manager and a CERT. Public Premises (either one of the criteria):
  • 9 storeys or more (including basement)
  • Site area or gross floor area 5000 m2 or more
  • Occupant load of at least 1, 000 persons
  • Licensed by MOH as a hospitalIndustrial Premises
  • Site area or gross floor area 5000 m2 or more
  • Occupant load of at least 1000 persons
  • Petroleum & Flammable Material Premises
  • Stores 5 metric tons or more Petroleum & Flammable Material (P&FM)
2. Audit Requirement: Premises shall be audited by SCDF on the CERT scheme. Failure of the audit, the premises maybe subjected to re-audit or revoke of P&FM storage license.
  • Failure to form CERT:
3. The owner or occupier of the specified premises shall be guilty of an offence and is liable for a fine not exceeding S$10,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or both See below table for information:
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