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Donation of Brayden Manikins and AED Trainers to Hospital in Timor Leste

27 December 2024
Usage of Brayden CPR Manikin
We’re excited to announce that our Brayden Manikins and AED Trainers have played a crucial role in supporting local healthcare professionals in Timor Leste in their response to cardiac emergencies! In collaboration with the Church of Our Saviour (COOS) Missionaries, we’ve donated these life-saving tools to the Maliana General Hospital to enhance their training capabilities.
This donation will empower healthcare providers to practice CPR techniques and simulate real-life cardiac emergency scenarios, ensuring they are fully prepared to save lives in their community. We’re proud to contribute to the ongoing efforts to improve emergency care and make a lasting impact on public health in Timor Leste.

Donation of Brayden Manikins and AED Trainers to Hospital in Timor Leste

56 SBS Transit vehicles now equipped with AEDs as part of AED-on-Buses programme