
An AED machine, or Automated External Defibrillator, is a valuable piece of medical equipment. A portable device that is always ready for use in an emergency, it delivers electric shocks to stop an irregular heartbeat and allow a victim’s heart to return to its normal rhythm. With Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) being one of the leading causes of death in Singapore, it is important to always be prepared and know exactly what to do in case of an emergency — and this includes having an AED kit in the vicinity that you can use immediately. But is simply having an AED kit in your office or home sufficient?

Imagine this: you are at work, chatting away with your colleagues when you notice that one of your coworkers is suddenly gripping their chest before collapsing to the ground. While another coworker calls for an ambulance, you check for breathing and a pulse — you detect neither. What do you do now? Wait for the paramedics to arrive on the scene? This is where the AED machine, a lifesaving tool, comes in. But what if you retrieve the AED machine and turn on the device only to realise that it is no longer working?

Since having a functioning AED can be the difference between life and death in the event of an SCA, it is crucial to take the steps to ensure that you always have an AED in working condition in your home or workplace. This is because, just like any other safety equipment like a fire extinguisher, they must be inspected regularly and maintained so that it works like it is supposed to. 

How Do You Maintain an AED?

Someone who is trained in using an AED will have to conduct routine inspection and maintenance checks according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. However, regardless of the AED defibrillator you have, the process for carrying out maintenance checks is very similar. For one, you will need to ensure that your AED machine is placed in a visible and unobstructed location. From there, you can carry on with the specific fortnightly and monthly checks: 

1. Fortnightly Checks

Once every two weeks, conduct a visual check. This means checking for any damage, missing parts, cracks, or chips on the case, signage, and device. To check if the AED machine is in working condition, you will have to test the status indicator. Depending on the brand and model of the AED machine, a green tick or green blinking light means that it is working.

2. Monthly Checks 

On a monthly basis, check if the battery and electrode pads are not expired. If they are, be sure to replace them. In general, the pads should be replaced every two years and the battery should be replaced every four years. At the same time, you’ll need to check on the basic accessories kit. Often going unnoticed, this part of the AED unit is just as important as the main machine. Composed of essentials such as gloves for self-protection, a razor to shave the chest hair to facilitate AED pad placement, a CPR mask, scissors and a small towel, ensure that everything is in order and they do not show any signs of wear and tear.

What If Your AED Machine is Out of Service?

Whether your AED machine is out of service due to usage or the presence of expired parts, you’ll need to remove the AED kit from the location and get in touch with your vendor to have it replaced. But while your AED machine is getting replaced, what can you do in the case of an emergency? 

In Singapore, you can use the myResponder app to gain access to the live national registry of publicly accessible AEDs. This will guide you to the nearest location with the next available AED kit.

AED Maintenance Services at HTM Medico

As one of the leading AED suppliers in Singapore, we at HTM Medico do not only have AED defibrillators for sale. Offering AED maintenance services that prolong the life of your AED, our preventive maintenance and service programme guarantees that your AED machine is always ready to use in an emergency. Our AED servicing package includes an annual check-up and the replacement of the batteries and pads. 

But that’s not all! If you are looking to buy an AED defibrillator in Singapore, our connected AED options such as the LifePak CR2 defibrillator come with the LIFELINKcentral™ AED Programme Manager which allows you to remotely keep track of your AEDs, maintenance records and expiration dates. This way, you can easily manage the maintenance of your AEDs and ensure that they are always ready for use. 

For more information on when to replace your AED machines, check out our guide on when you should replace your AED kit. Alternatively, read our guide on what to look out for when buying an AED and turn to HTM Medico for high-quality AEDs for sale as well as AED training courses. Feel free to contact us at (65) 6744-5911 or to learn more about our defibrillator training courses in Singapore and AED machine maintenance services.


An AED, or Automated External Defibrillator, is a lifesaving device in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). And according to the Singapore Heart Foundation, over 3,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in Singapore. When someone goes into SCA, their heart rhythm is interrupted, and an AED machine is necessary to shock the heart back into a normal rhythm. While AED machines are indeed easy to use and can be found in many public places, it is important to note that there are two types of devices available — semi-automatic AEDs and fully automatic AEDs. While both share some similarities in terms of their purpose and user-friendliness, there are a few key functional differences that one needs to be aware of to make an informed decision. What are their differences and which should you choose to have installed in your office, home, or other premises? We cover their distinguishing factors in this blog.

Fully and Semi-Automatic AED Similarities

Before we take a deep dive into the differences between fully and semi-automatic AED machines, note that there are a few common features shared between the two. For one, as mentioned, both types of AED machines are used to treat sudden cardiac arrest by analysing the heart rhythm of the patient and delivering an electric shock to the heart to restore a normal rhythm. Designed to provide visual and audible prompts to guide the user through the defibrillation process, these modern life-saving devices can be utilised even by individuals with little to no medical training. 

Differences Between Fully and Semi-Automatic AEDs

While both AED machines provide clear and concise instructions throughout the defibrillation process, the biggest difference between the two comes down to whether the shock will be delivered automatically or only when the shock button is pressed manually. Due to this singular distinguishing feature, there is a long list of differences to take into account when deciding on which defibrillator to choose:

1. Speed of Treatment

With a semi-automatic AED, responders must manually deliver the shock when prompted by the device, whereas with a fully automatic AED, the device will take over to monitor and analyse the patient’s heart rhythm before automatically delivering a shock when it determines one is needed. This means that fully automatic AEDs have the potential to provide treatment faster than semi-automatic devices. How so? Since the rescuer is relied upon to press the shock button of the semi-automatic AED, extended periods of hesitation or even shock are factors that might hinder an individual from treating the patient promptly. This is where the fully-automatic AED has the upper hand due to its ability to administer the shock automatically when required, without any additional human involvement beyond the application of the electrode pads to the patient. 

2. Control Over the Situation

From the above, it is clear to see that with a semi-automatic AED, responders have sole control over when to deliver a shock whereas with a fully automatic device, responders do not. This means that responders must be comfortable with relinquishing some control over SCA treatment for a fully automatic device to be used. On the same note, some users feel more comfortable with a semi-automatic AED because they feel like they have more control over the situation. But this increases the chances of user errors such as pressing the shock button at the wrong time or not pressing the button at all. 

However, it is important to remember that both types of AED machines will only deliver a shock if one is needed — the user does not have to worry about accidentally shocking someone who does not need it. 

3. Ease of Use

Both semi-automatic and fully automatic AED machines are designed to be easy to use, even for those with no medical training since clear and concise instructions are provided. That being said, some may find one type of AED easier to use than the other. For example, with a fully automatic AED, the extra step of ensuring that no one is touching the patient or holding their hands before administering the shock must be taken. Either way, it is crucial to read the instructions carefully and familiarise yourself with the device, or even go for a defibrillator training before using it in an emergency. 

Choosing an AED Machine that is Right for You 

Ultimately, the decision of whether to get a semi-automatic or fully automatic defibrillator comes down to personal preference. There are benefits and drawbacks to both types of devices, so it is important to choose one that best caters to your needs and experience. If you are looking for speed and efficiency, then a fully automatic defibrillator is likely your best bet. However, if you want more control over the situation or you’re worried about incorrectly using the device, then you might prefer a semi-automatic defibrillator. No matter which type of defibrillator you choose, remember that taking the first step to equip your premise with an AED kit means that you are making an important decision to help save lives.

At HTM Medico, we have high-quality AEDs for sale as well as CPR and AED certification courses designed to train individuals on how to do CPR and use AEDs properly. Our LIFEPAK CR2 defibrillator is available in fully and semi-automatic models. The HeartSine AEDs has several models — semi-automatic HeartSine 350P, fully automatic HeartSine 360P, and semi-automatic HeartSine 500P with CPR Advisor. Whether you are looking for a fully or semi-automatic AED, you’ll be able to find an AED machine that can help save lives in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest. 

If you are unsure about which type of AED is right for your workplace or premise, we’re here to help equip you with high-quality products and services. Feel free to contact us at (65) 6744-5911 or to learn more about our CPR + AED Certification training course in Singapore and AED machines and take the necessary precautions to keep those around you safe.


Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is one of the leading causes of death in Singapore, claiming the lives of more than a thousand people each year. And according to studies done by SingHealth, it has been made clear that when a heart attack of SCA does occur, the actions taken during the first few minutes of an emergency is critical to a victim’s survival. As a matter of fact, victim’s have a 20% survival rate when they get early CPR and early defibrillation. This is compared to the 0 to 2% survival rate for those who receive no CPR and delayed defibrillation. This just goes to show that AEDs are an important tool in the fight against SCA, as they can be used to bring a victim back from the brink of death. So, does that mean that you should buy a defibrillator for your home? 

What is an AED?

Automated External Defibrillators, or AEDs, are devices that can be used to administer emergency care in the event of an SCA. It analyses the victim’s heart rhythm and advises the rescuer whether or not a shock is needed. If one is needed, these portable devices will automatically deliver an electric shock to the heart, restoring its normal rhythm. The entire process is simple and easy to follow, with clear voice instructions and step-by-step visual cues. As such, it is clear to see that they are designed for use by a layperson with no medical training and can be a vital life-saving resource in homes, workplaces, and public spaces. 

When is it Ideal for Homes to Have AEDs?

While AEDs are most commonly found in public places like schools and malls, more and more homes are also choosing to install them. This is because, according to the Singapore Medical Journal, about 70% of all cardiac arrests occur in residential areas. And since cardiac arrests can happen to anyone at any time, even if they don’t have any prior heart conditions, it’s important to have an AED on hand — so that you can administer care as quickly as possible and increase the individual’s chances of survival. Here are three main scenarios when it’s ideal for homes to have AEDs:

1. High Risk of Cardiac Arrest

If you live with family members who might be at risk of SCA, given the unpredictability of SCA and its diverse range of warning signs, there is an increased need to be prepared and be well-versed in the various ways to save lives from SCA. Therefore, if you live with individuals who have pre-existing conditions such as congestive heart failure or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, someone who smokes, has high blood pressure and other risk factors, then it is a great idea to have access to an AED machine in your home so that you can improve their chances of survival.

2. Already Experienced SCA or Heart Attack

If you or a loved one has already suffered from a heart attack or have survived a previous SCA, there is a higher risk of it happening again. To ensure that you are prepared, be sure to invest in an AED machine for your home and take the necessary precautions, such as having your friends and family undergo CPR and AED training. 

3. History of Cardiac Arrhythmias

Since some cardiac abnormalities are hereditary, if heart disease runs in your family, you should consider buying an AED for your home. This means that even if the people you reside with have experienced possible cardiac arrest warning signs like chest pains and shortness of breath, it might be practical to look into buying an AED defibrillator from a reliable supplier in Singapore. Not only could doing so save a life but pairing its accessibility with CPR + AED training and certification can give you the confidence and skills you need to act quickly and effectively in an emergency. 

Of course, even if none of these scenarios apply to you, it’s still worth considering getting an AED for your home—because anyone can experience SCA at any time. 

Pairing AED with the Appropriate CPR and AED Training

Having an AED machine in the home can be a lifesaving measure — if you know how to use it properly. Therefore, before buying an AED for your home, it’s important that someone in the household is trained and certified in both CPR and how to use an AED. Knowing how to properly use an AED could mean the difference between life and death for someone you love. And in addition to being prepared for sudden cardiac arrest, CPR + AED training and certification can make you a valuable asset in any emergency.

Here at HTM Medico, we offer both CPR + AED training as well as comprehensive CPR/AED training equipment like AED trainers so that you are equipped with up-to-date knowledge on how to perform CPR and use your AED machine effectively and safely. And when it comes to buying an AED defibrillator in Singapore for your home, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting high-quality equipment from a reputable supplier. Here at HTM Medico, we offer a wide range of AEDs that have been used by many reputable organisations in Singapore. Choose the HeartSine AED and the LifePak CR2 defibrillator for your home in Singapore today. To buyportable AED and AED trainers or for information on which AED defibrillator to buy for your home, feel free to get in touch with us at (65) 6744-5911 or


We all know how important it is to stay healthy and keep fit. And one of the best ways to achieve this is by going to the gym and fitness centres which both play an important role in supporting the mental and physical well-being of the masses. While these fitness places feature safe equipment, professionals who will be able to offer advice, and it is not common for people to get injured or suffer from an adverse medical event such as a sudden cardiac arrest at a gym, one can never be too careful. After all, the gym is the place where we exert our bodies more than we usually would. And given that approximately a thousand Singaporeans die from sudden cardiac arrests annually, it’s important for gyms to have staff who are trained in emergency first response and have access to an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Not only will gym goers feel at ease knowing there are staff members who are trained in emergency first response and can perform standard first aid and AED training, but it could also save a life. 

Here are three reasons why your gym or fitness centre needs an AED: 

1. Strenuous Workouts Increase the Risk of SCA

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is one of the leading causes of death in Singapore and can happen to anyone at any time – even people who are seemingly healthy and fit. In fact, the number of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest cases in Singapore increased to 3,432 in 2020. While about 80% of SCA happens because of coronary heart disease and the chances of experiencing SCA at the gym are relatively low, strenuous workouts and overexertion can increase the risk of SCA — this is especially so for high-risk individuals with risk factors for heart problems like obesity, diabetes and hypertension. In such cases, having an AED machine on hand can help ensure that gym goers can get the treatment they need as quickly as possible in the event of SCA. 

2. Trained Staff Can Help Save Lives 

When someone suffers from SCA, oxygenated blood stops flowing to vital organs like the heart and the brain, making the fast action of bystanders critical to the survival of the individual. Simply waiting for the first responders to arrive will not guarantee the survival of the individual. As such, gyms that have personnel with CPR and AED training are investing in the safety of their customers. Not only will they be able toprovide standard first aid in the event of an injury, but they will also be able to use the AED properly in the event of SCA. Having this kind of training also helps to reduce the amount of time it takes to respond to a medical emergency. The quick response time and availability of an AED can be a lifesaver for customers who suffer from sudden cardiac arrest. With a fast response time and successful resuscitation, the customer’s chances of survival are significantly increased. 

At HTM Medico, we offer both standard first aid and AED certification courses that are specifically designed to equip you with the lifesaving skills and confidence to respond to cardiac emergencies. Our courses are accredited by the Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council (SRFAC) and will be valid for two years.

3. Quick Access to AEDs Can Increase Survival Chances

In many cases, quick access to an AED can mean the difference between life and death. When someone experiences SCA, time is of the essence; every minute that goes by without treatment reduces their chances of survival greatly. This is why it’s so important for gyms and fitness centres to have an AED machine on hand at all times. At HTM Medico, we offer a variety of AED machines that are specifically designed to save lives, even in gyms and fitness centres. Our range of AED machines includes the Heartsine AED and LifePak CR2 Defibrillator. With our wide selection of AED machines, you can ensure that you are prepared for any eventuality. Just ensure that there is staff who are trained in emergency first response and can respond quickly and efficiently. They should be equipped with the knowledge to assess the situation and be able to administer life-saving treatments such as CPR or use an automated external defibrillator (AED) that has been installed in your gym or facility. 

Buy AED Machines at HTM Medico

As you can see, there are many good reasons why your gym or fitness centre needs to buy an AED machine. Since quick access to an AED can mean the difference between life and death, it’s important to make sure that yours is easily accessible and in good working condition at all times. 

At HTM Medico, we have high-quality AEDs for sale as well as standard first aid and AED certification courses designed specifically for gyms and fitness centres. Enhance safety measures by buying portable AEDs or send your staff for first aid and AED training with us. We’re here to help you create a safe environment for your members so that they can focus on reaching their fitness goals. Feel free to contact us at (65) 6744-5911 or to learn more about our CPR + AED Certification course in Singapore and AED machines and take the necessary precautions to keep your gym-goers safe and secure while using your facilities.


An automatic external defibrillator (AED) is a device used to help individuals experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. With its sophisticated technology, it can analyse the heart’s rhythm and, if necessary, provide an electrical shock or defibrillation to help restore it to normal.

As cardiac arrest can happen anywhere and at any time of the day, it’s essential that establishments in Singapore have an AED at hand. Along with CPR, using an AED can increase the person’s chances of survival and even prevent their likeliness of developing brain damage.

Does your establishment already have an AED kit? If not, you can always get high-quality AED machines from HTM Medico. But if you already have one, you should keep track of how long your AED has been with you and make sure it undergoes servicing conducted by your supplier annually. Like most technological devices, AEDs require regular preventive maintenance to ensure they are functional so that they operate optimally when required. On top of that, your company’s emergency response team should also conduct frequent checks on your company’s AED even when not in use.

Over time, your AED may grow obsolete. The average AED can last up to 10 years, depending on how they are stored and how often they are used. But it’s recommended that when your AED kit has been around for about 8 to 10 years, you should have it replaced with a newer model. Older AEDs may end up becoming less effective and efficient in times of sudden cardiac arrest, which could compromise the victim’s chances of survival.

If you’re still not convinced about getting the latest AED kit for your establishment, here are more reasons why you should invest in them:

1. Less time on manual inspection

What’s great about modern AED kits, like the LifePak CR2 defibrillator, is that they are easier to maintain compared to older defibrillators where you will need adequate training to determine if there are any issues with the device or not. Specifically, our AED comes with the LIFELINKcentral AED Program Manager that’s linked to the device, so users can remotely monitor the AED’s readiness information, location of usage within Singapore, and battery and electrode status, among others.

2. Easier to use

Today’s AED kits, like our HeartSine AED and LifePak CR2 defibrillator, are designed to be more user-friendly to rescuers, especially lay rescuers of all skill levels, for more effective use.

Unlike other AEDs in Singapore, we have AED models that come with easy-to-understand visual and voice prompt guides, so rescuers have their very own trainer in the form of our CPR Advisor through the entire resuscitation process. The CPR Advisor will give them feedback on the force and rate of compressions as they perform CPR before the emergency medical team arrives. The CPR coaching functionality not only improves performance but also increases the hands-on time and reduces pauses in CPR, which makes a significant difference in lifesaving outcomes.

3. Improved features

Every modern AED machine comes with different features that help rescuers respond to sudden cardiac arrest immediately and effectively. With HTM Medico’s HeartSine AED and LifePak CR2 defibrillator, you get a full suite of features that help improve the chances of survival and reduce the likelihood of debilitating conditions, like brain damage.

Aside from CPR coaching and easy-to-use functionality, both models are durable as they are designed to be resistant to dust and water.

One of the features that are unique to the HeartSine AED is its smart pre-charging mechanism that reduces the time required to analyse the ECG. It can detect and confirm the presence of a shockable rhythm to charge the AED, preparing the AED machine for a life-saving defibrillation shock. It also comes with a Pediatric-Pak with pre-attached electrodes that deliver guidelines-recommended energy levels to children who may be experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. Moreover, this PadPak combines the battery and electrode pads into a single cartridge containing one expiration date to monitor.

On the other hand, the LifePak CR2 Defibrillator has QUIK-STEP electrodes that can easily be peeled off the base for faster side-by-side placement during the event of a sudden cardiac arrest. It comes with the highest available energy with up to 360 joules for more effective shocks as needed. Additionally, it can offer bilingual instruction with two pre-set languages for you to choose from. When opting for the LifePak CR2 defibrillator, it goes hand-in-hand with the LIFELINKcentral AED Program Manager where you can check the defibrillator’s status.

Partner with HTM Medico for High-Quality AED Kits in Singapore

If you’re looking for a reputable provider of AED machines in Singapore, you can turn to our team at HTM Medico. We have been awarded the single largest AED contract in the country, instaling AED machines in all Singapore schools and a number of Singapore Army Camps.

Should you want to invest in your employee’s training in CPR and AED, you can sign them up for our CPR + AED training courses in Singapore. With this, they will learn all the skills and techniques needed to accommodate those who are experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. Expect experienced trainers who will guide you through our 3 to 4-hour training course, so you can gain the confidence to act in times of emergencies and ultimately save a life.

To know more about our products and training courses, don’t hesitate to contact us at (65) 6744-5911 or


According to recent statistics, almost 3,000 people have a sudden cardiac arrest in Singapore every year. Cardiac arrest has also been the cause of more fatalities compared to cancer, stroke, or trauma. This indicates that it can happen to anyone anywhere, even in the workplace.

In reference to the updated Fire Safety Act 1993, all establishments in Singapore with Fire Safety Managers are required to have a Company Emergency Response Team (CERT). The CERT is composed of employees who will act as first responders to prevent any emergency from escalating, including sudden cardiac arrests.

Aside from basic first aid skills, your company emergency response team should undergo cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automatic external defibrillators (AED) training in Singapore.

CPR is a technique that’s used in emergencies in which someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped. The technique can keep oxygen-rich blood flowing to the brain and other organs until emergency medical treatment can restore the person’s heart rhythm. An AED, on the other hand, is a medical device that’s used to analyse the heart rhythm and deliver an electric shock to victims of sudden cardiac arrest to restore the heart rhythm to normal. Typically, it is only used when someone is unconscious and not breathing normally following a cardiac arrest.

So, why is it essential that you should invest in CPR and AED training in Singapore for your personnel?

1. When a sudden cardiac arrest happens, time is critical

In the event of a sudden cardiac arrest, often, it will take time for the emergency medical team to arrive at your location. With every minute the sudden cardiac arrest victim does not receive proper emergency care, their vital organs begin to weaken.

Therefore, while waiting for emergency medical service (EMS) to arrive, your CERT must be able to readily perform CPR and use an AED to resuscitate the victim. The quick and proper response to such instances of sudden cardiac arrest while waiting for the arrival of EMS can increase the patient’s survival and prevent the likelihood of them being in critical condition.

2. It increases the chances of the person’s survival

Overall, learning CPR alone has its benefits. The personnel can perform the appropriate procedures to ensure that the person’s vital organs receive the oxygen required to maintain necessary bodily functions, especially if it’s in a place that may not have its own AED kit. However, learning how to use an AED machine, in establishments that have one, can make a significant difference in the victim’s survival rate.

According to the European Resuscitation Council, when CPR is performed along with the use of AED within 3 to 5 minutes of collapse or before EMS arrives, the victim’s chances of survival increase by up to 75%. This means that employers in Singapore should consider investing in CPR + AED Certification courses for their company’s emergency response team to promote better workplace safety.

3. It prevents the chances of brain death or other conditions

Aside from the life-threatening risk of a sudden cardiac arrest, the prolonged lack of oxygen in the brain can cause serious lifelong damage to the victim. When a cardiac arrest happens, the heart will stop beating and the victim’s vital organs would not have the oxygen it needs. As a result, the brain, specifically, will be unable to deliver the electrical signals that it needs to breathe and function.

Therefore, it’s imperative that within the first 2 minutes of the cardiac arrest, CPR is performed to keep oxygen-rich blood flowing. If after 3 minutes no one has performed CPR, and there is a lack of blood flow, it may lead to brain injury, which can progressively get worse as every minute ticks by.

If the victim still is not attended to within 9 minutes of waiting for emergency medical services, brain damage is more than likely to occur. Even if the person is resuscitated once the healthcare professionals arrive, 8 out of every 10 victims will be in a coma or sustain a level of brain damage. Decrease the likelihood of disabilities in victims of sudden cardiac arrest in the workforce by ensuring personnel are capable of performing CPR and using defibrillators with high-quality training.

Have Your Personnel Join Our CPR + AED Certification Course

At HTM Medico, we have a CPR + AED Certification course that combines the CPR practice and the use of AED simultaneously. Our trainer will guide you through the technique of executing proper CPR and how to use a defibrillator when a sudden cardiac arrest happens in the workplace. This course lasts for 3 to 4 hours and is accredited by the Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council (SRFAC). By the end of this course, members of your emergency response team will receive a certification valid for 2 years. You can also get our AED trainer and accessories, so you can practise your skills in using an AED machine.

If you’re looking for a high-quality defibrillator for sale in Singapore, get yours at HTM Medico as well. We are a reputable supplier of defibrillators in Singapore that has partnered with numerous organisations in the country. Our AED machines will ensure your peace of mind as your personnel will have the right equipment should any cardiac arrest happen at any time. Choose the HeartSine AED and the LifePak CR2 defibrillator for your workplace today.

Feel free to contact us at (65) 6744-5911 or to learn more about our CPR + AED Certification course in Singapore and AED machines.